Annual peak load and load curve

The load curve in the form of the grid feed-in is the sum total of all feed of grid transfer points, power plants, and distribution networks into the maximum voltage network (network area 1) in the control area of TenneT TSO GmbH.

Maximum voltage network load curve

The load curve is the sum of the grid losses and all purchases (own consumption) of the connected converter platforms and wind farms in the grid of the offshore company

Provisional annual peak load

The annual peak load corresponds to the maximum value of the respective load curve in a calendar year. You can see the annual peak load by selecting "this year" in the date range picker. The minimum and maximum values are marked with an arrow in the curve chart. 


Maximum value:
Minimum value:
No data available for the selected timeframe

Annual peak load of the years 2018-2023

Maximum voltage
20 MW on 11.09.2018 6:00am
Maximum voltage
26 MW on 28.11.2019 21:00pm
Maximum voltage
28 MW on 01.02.2020 9:15am
Maximum voltage
30 MW on 07.04.2021 11:45am

Maximum voltage

27 MW on 05.04.2022 11:15pm
Maximum voltage
30 MW on 21.04.2023 6:15am